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Welcome To The Bullpen

Birth of a Gunfighter
By Joe Owens

Through bat wing doors he entered,
a boy of twenty-one.
His youthful features contradict
twin tie-downs filled with guns.

A battered hat pulled to his eyes
held secrets to his mood.
His presence causing subtle stares
from those in the saloon.

Drawing deep his cigarette
expelling final doubts.
He dropped the butt upon the floor
and slowly crushed it out.

“I’m lookin for a fella
goes by the name of Red.
He took my sister’s innocents
after shootin my pa dead”.

Though young his voice was booming
like on who’d seen some years.
His statement ringing caution
in all the patrons ears.

A sudden from a corner dark
the sliding of a chair.
A red haired grizzly man emerged,
unhooked his thong, and stared.

“I’m Red!” announced the hombre
“Just what you aim to do?”
The kid with palms on forty-fives
“I aim to murder you”.

“You stinkin little farmer
I’m mean as you are young.
There ain’t a chance…twin colts belched flames
Lead finding both Red’s lungs.

Red clawed his chest in agony
froth forming on his lips.
The gun that widowed many gals
still hung upon his hip.
The kid returned his forty-fives,
pulled out a bowie knife.
Took Red up by the collar
Said low “a life for life”.

He plunged the blade in Red’s fat gut
pulled up till he met bone
Then ran the blade across his throat
And dropped him like a stone.

Not a soul was stirring
as the kid turned to the keep
ordered red eye whiskey
and threw it past his teeth.

He rolled another cigarette
“I mean no one else harm.
The Taylor place is up for sell
She’s a mighty pretty farm”.

He walked back through the bat wing doors
climbed top his plow horse, Nell.
Born in peace to feed a world,
reborn this night in hell. 

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I liked it. Good emotion, story, gripping.

Review 2

I enjoyed the flow and rhythm of the story a lot. A compelling read...
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