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Welcome To The Bullpen

Empty Saddle
Jim Liles

It’s a cold and blustery, snowy morn,
as I walk out to the barn.
It’s that time of year when calves are born,
and the work is hard and long.

We work all year to see these days,
when new life hits the ground.
The miracle of, the gift of birth,
as the calving season comes round.

We would saddle early, and ride all day,
going from cow to cow.
Making sure that all is well,
when that new calf hit the ground.

Much was said as we rode each day,
working well into the night.
Because we knew, what we did was special,
the new life was quite a site.

He stood tall, and answered the call,
for his country, back last May.
He went off to serve, because we deserved,
the freedoms we enjoy each day.

I saddled Jake, and Little Blue,
and mounted up that day.
I would ride alone, and lead Little Blue,
an empty saddle, with nothing to say.

As I ride through these pastures, Little Blue in hand,
checking calf after calf, that cold day.
I know he’ll be safe, where the pastures are green,
and he’ll ride with Lord every day.

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Jim, I can see that there is a lot of feeling in this poem, which made me enjoy it. One thing poetry needs is heart and soul. From a strictly poetic standpoint though, I wondered why the rhyming pattern in the first verse was different from all the rest. And while I liked the juxtaposition of life and death, the transition was abrupt. The switch from "We" to "he" made it a little unclear as to what or who we were talking about. But again, the feeling was clear and I did enjoy it.

Anthony Kendrick

Review 2

Obviously this poem comes from your heart Jim.
All I can say is amen.
Robert C. Atkin

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