Welcome To The Bullpen
Jim Liles
There comes a time, when cowboys will pine,
for the times , that used to be.
The memories reflect, what they recall best,
gold buckles, good times and tight jeans.
The broncs' that jumped high, and kicked to the sky,
and bulls, that spun into your hand.
These are the things, I’m quick to recall,
rodeos, my weren’t it grand?
Now my little wife, she don’t quite agree,
I’m not sure, just what it could be.
Emergency rooms, and those broken bones,
that’s all she remembers you see.
Those nights up real late, awaiting my fate,
to make sure, that I got home fine.
The kids put to bed, with thoughts in her head,
as she closely, looked at the time.
So if you decide, to question your wife,
you remember, those days way back when?
Don’t be real surprised, if she squints those blue eyes,
and there ain’t, no big happy grin!
She might see things different, than a cowboy recalls,
with the kids, and the old truck broke down.
That rodeo trail, kept you in a fog,
while she was home milkin’ the cow.