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Welcome To The Bullpen

Pendleton 100 YRS
James J. Liles

The year is coming to an end,
and what a year it’s been.
The Stock Show up in Denver,
made a 100 more since then.

The winter was a good one,
them Texas shows are great.
Then out west to Tucson,
and Scottsdale then Palm Springs.

The miles add up pretty fast,
and the weeks just fly right by.
Cowboy Christmas coming up,
as we ride into July.

They say it’s Vegas, that makes you famous.
Gold buckles and the NFR.
But there’s another show, I’d love to win,
Up in Oregon in the fall.

100 Years since it began,
the Round-Up so it’s called.
More history than the rest combined,
“Let er Buck” there in the fall.

An arena as big as all outdoors,
and grass that grows knee high.
That’s where you’ll ride your old bronc,
In a Hamley, flying high.

Them steers run fast for 50 yards,
Fore you’re allowed to go.
The ropers bring an extra horse,
In case the first one he’s to slow.

They do it here, the old fashioned way,
in a great big cowboy pen.
More like a big ranch round-up,
cowboys working for their pay.

100 years at Pendleton,
how great you’ve paved the way,
for those that choose to follow,
the old time cowboy way.

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Nice job!
Accalia King

Review 2
I really liked this story but sometimes it loses it's rhythm. I think if you looked at it again you'll see what I mean. Insted of just being a good poem it can be a great one.
Robert C. Atkin
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