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Is currently seeking articles with the following topics to publish on our website:

Western Short Stories

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Welcome To The Bullpen

By Laura Finlay

When your soul cries out
And your spirit’s spent
And those mountains start callin’ your name,
Strap on your spurs
And cock your hat low,
Just grab on to her mane.
You ride that horse like you stole it.

When the dust on your saddle
Has gathered, old girl
And your boots itch to scoot ‘cross that floor,
Starch up those jeans
And snap up that shirt
And don’t take your eyes off the door.
You ride that horse like you stole it.

When you look in the mirror
And that cowgirl ain’t there
And you can’t seem to find her at all,
You saddle on up
And spur that mare out,
Sit back in that saddle, sit tall
And ride that horse like you stole it.

Now don’t you look back
On shame and regret,
You’re racin’ t’ward that brand new day.
Go light on the reins,
Keep her nose pointed west,
You know that it’s too late to stay.
Girl, ride that horse like you stole it.
You ride that horse like you stole it.


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I know nothing of poetry, Laura, but you drew word-pictures for me. I thought it was great!
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