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Welcome To The Bullpen

The Cowboy Way
Jim Liles

Cowboys are known, to have a way of their own,
to sort out a sense of fair play.
You ride for the brand, or a shake of the hand,
that’s always been The Cowboy Way.

The Cowboy Way is not a phrase,
to be abused and miss-construed.
It’s a way of life, a reason to fight,
it’s a lifestyle through and through.

In the days of old, in the Montana cold,
wild broncs were topped out each day.
Sometimes you get paid, with dang broken leg,
and there’s no one to spread out the hay.

Word spreads pretty fast, when you might need a hand,
to water, do chores and spread hay.
You never need ask, for help with those tasks,
it’s surely The Cowboy Way.

Don’t treat it like something you get for nothing,
because you wear hat, boots and spurs.
You have to earn it, and folks will return it,
it’s respect, and the paths that we choose.

Doing the right thing, without any coaxing,
and giving, with no thought of why.
It’s the way of the west, it’s the ultimate test,
to liven life, in the cowboys eye.

The fellow that taught us, is always among us,
our Father in Heaven is he.
A great book was written, so we won’t be forgetin’,
who taught us, ”The Cowboy Way”.

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Thanks for this great poem. It takes me back and I see my father and he was "The Cowboy Way"
Robert Atkin
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