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The Bunkhouse

The Six Shooter

The Six Shooter brought James Stewart to the NBC
microphone on September 20, 1953, in a fine series
of folksy Western adventures.

Stewart was never better on the air than in this drama
of Britt Ponset, frontier drifter created by Frank Burt.
The epigraph set it up nicely:

"The man in the saddle is angular and long-legged:
his skin is sun dyed brown. The gun in his holster is
gray steel and rainbow mother-of-pearl. People call
them both The Six Shooter."

Ponset was a wanderer, an easy-going gentleman
and -- when he had to be -- a gunfighter.

Stewart was right in character as the slow-talking
maverick who usually blundered into other people's
troubles and sometimes shot his way out. His
experiences were broad, but The Six Shooter leaned more to comedy than other shows of
its kind. Ponset took time out to play Hamlet with a crude road company. He ran for mayor
and sheriff of the same town at the same time. He became involved in a delighful Western
version of Cinderella, complete with grouchy stepmother, ugly sisters, and a shoe that
didn't fit. And at Christmas he told a young runaway the story of A Christmas Carol,
Substituting the original Dickens characters with Western heavies. Britt even had time to
fall in love, but it was the age-old story of people from different worlds, and the romance
was foredoomed despite their valiant efforts to save it.

So we got a cowboy-into-the-sunset ending for this series, truly one of the bright spots of radio. Unfortunately, it came too late, and lasted only one season.

The following is an index of all the episodes on the player (below the index).
The player will go through the episodes one after the other. At this time I can't combine the two. You can toggle to different episodes, but there is no way of telling which one you are on without listening to it. I hope to have a better way to do this at some point.
1 Audition Program
2 Jenny
3 The Coward
4 1953-10-04 ep03 The Stampede.m
5 Silver Annie
6 Rink Larkin
7 1953-10-25 ep06 Red Lawson's R
8 Ben Scofield
9 Capture of Stacy Gault
10 Escape From Smoke Falls
11 Gabriel Starbuck
12 Sheriff Billy
13 A Pressing Engagement
14 More Than Kin
15 Britt Ponset's Christmas Carol
16 Cora Plummer Quincy
17 A Friend In Need
18 Hiram's Goldstrike
19 The Silver Buckle
20 The Outlaws Wife
21 Trail To Sunset
22 Apron Faced Sorrel
23 Quiet City
24 Battle At Tower Rock
25 Cheyenne Express
26 Thicker Than Water
27 1954-03-21 ep26 Duel at Lockwo
28 1954-04-01 ep27 Aunt Ema.mp3
29 1954-04-08 ep28 General Gillfo
30 Crises At Easter Creek
31 Tracking Down a Killer
32 SixShooter1954-04-29Ep31RevengeAtHarnessCreek
33 The Accused
34 The Double Seven
35 Reluctant Hero
36 Silver Threads
37 Bad Blood
38 The New Sheriff
39 When the Shoe Doesn't Fit
40 Myra Barker

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