You Might Be a Horse Person... By Arrielle Dickens
You might be a horse person if you catch yourself only have boots in your closet....and they are usally covered in mud and who knows what else.
You might be a horse person when you are covered in just as much mud as your horses.
You might be a horse person when you dont see buying jewlery but you can spemd hundreds of dollars on conchos for you saddle and head stall.
You might be a horse person when You walk past someone and instead of saying "excuse me" you poke them in the ribs and say "over".
You might be a horse person when You'd rather muck stalls than clean your bedroom/house.
You might be a horse person when Your horse smells better than you do.
You might be a horse person if you trust your horse with your life but you dont trust anyone with your horse.
You might be a horse person when You consider moving into the barn because it is cleaner and smells better then your house.
You might be a horse person when You pull a $17,000 horse trailer with a $1,700 pickup truck.
You might be a horse person when You consider a pristine golf course as a waste of good pasture land.
You might be a horse person when You realize that finding a horse shoe truly is lucky because you’ve saved ten bucks.
You might be a horse person when Your horse gets new shoes more often than you and they’re more expensive