Cowboy Poetry and Western Verse
Larry Bradfield
Bob's treasure was a pair of spurs
Fine silver and engraved.
He wore them when he broke a bronc'
Until that hoss behaved.
He wore them in the big parade
Each year at Christmas time
And in saloons along the way
That sold tequila, lime.
While walking down the street one day
The Mayor caught his eye.
He said "Your spurs look great my friend,
They make the ladies sigh"
This put spurs in a whole new light.
At love he was a dunce.
He'd get a bath and shave his face
And change his life at once !
He pursued a lady named Anne,
Spurs all shiney like new.
The romance soon got serious
Like these things sometimes do.
When finally in bed Anne cried,
"What is that on your feet?"
She looked down below and saw spurs !
"You've torn my new silk sheets ! "
She threw old Bob out the window,
He landed on his head.
He survived the altercation.
Might be better off dead.
I see him in town now and then.
He takes any odd job.
Haven't seen the spurs since that day.
He ain't the same old Bob.