Western humor has been around as long as there have been cowboys out West. Ranch humor may put a cowboy on the back side of a joke, but he can take it.
The Randall Twins
Just off the afternoon stage one of the passengers went into the local saloon to clear the dust out of his throat. He was sitting at the bar when a cowboy stumbles in and staggers up to another cowboy sitting at the bar a couple of stools down and starts up a conversation.
They both looked as if they had been drinkin’ some and the passenger couldn’t help overhearing what was said.
“Can I buy you a drink?” asks the first cowboy.
“Why of course” comes the reply.
“Where are you from?” asks the first cowboy.
“I’m from Texas,” replies the second.
Fried Chicken
The old farmer was on his deathbed. He had only hours to live when suddenly he smelled the scent of fried chicken wafting into his room. Aaahhhh…He loved fried chicken more than anything else in the world.
The Fortuneteller
A traveling medicine show came to town one day and with it was a gypsy fortuneteller.
The town folk for the most part kept their distance as to not be seen associating with those of such unsavory character.
Well, that evening, the wife of a local rancher, after waiting for her no good husband to fall asleep sneaked off under the cover of darkness, to visit the fortuneteller.
Trail Wisdom
A lone cowboy had been riding the trail in New Mexico for several days as he worked his way back to his ranch when he comes upon an old Navaho man heading the same direction. Because the ride had been long and quiet he asks if he might ride along with him for a spell. The old Navaho agrees and they travel along together until nightfall. That evening they made camp and as they sat near the fire they began some small talk. The cowboy notices the old Navaho glancing over towards a bottle sticking out of one of the saddlebags lying beside him.
Have You Found Jesus?
Ol Jeb was slowly working his way back to the ranch after drinking all night at the local saloon. As he wandered along the river he notices a group of people gathered around and there seems to be some sort of a commotion.
Ol Jeb heads his horse in their direction to get a better look and as he reaches the waters edge he falls off his horse...Turns out the group was in the middle of a baptism.
The preacher grabs Ol Jeb by the shoulders and asks him "Are you ready to find Jesus?"
Ol Jeb, too drunk to realize what he was getting into answers "Sure."
Honest Trade
Colonel William A. Phillips was the Federal commander at Fort Gibson on the eve of the Battle of Honey Springs. That was way back on July 17, 1863. The battle turned out to be the most important action of the Civil War in the Indian Territory.
Hard Country
Before statehood in 1907, the Indian Territory was no place for a tenderfoot. There's a story that illustrates this, about a man who fled the Indian Territory in 1903 and didn't stop until he got to St. Louis. The man made quite a stir there, because he was driving a buckboard which was hitched to four mountain lions.
Know Thy Enemy
A local farming community was about to hold their Sunday morning church services. As the townsfolk were sitting in their pews talking amongst themselves, Satan suddenly appeared at the front of the church.
Everyone started screaming and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from the evil incarnate.
Soon, everyone had exited the church except for one elderly farmer who sat calmly in his pew without moving, seemingly oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate enemy was in his presence.
The Big Bang
A tough old cowboy counseled his grandson that if he wanted to live a long life, the secret was to sprinkle a pinch of gunpowder on his oatmeal every morning.
The grandson did this religiously to the age of 103.
When he died, he left 14 children, 30 grandchildren, 45 great grandchildren,
25 great-great grandchildren...
and a 15 foot hole in the ground where the crematorium used to be.
A Lucky Break
Five local buckaroos were playing poker at the Silver Spur Saloon when one of the players, named Owen, loses five hundred dollars on a single hand. It was just too much for his weak old heart to take. As he clutched at his chest, he stood up and promptly dropped dead at the table.
Showing the greatest respect for their fallen comrade, the other buckaroos finished the hand standing on their feet.
Frank, the youngest of the bunch looks around the table and asks his fellow buckaroos, "Well now, which one of us is going to tell his wife?"