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Western Short Stories
Jesse J. Elliot

Jesse J. Elliot

Western Short Stories Bio. of Jesse J. Elliot

Jesse J Elliot is a retired educator who has taught elementary school, teaching methods at the University of New Mexico and College of Santa Fe, and reading and writing at Cabrillo Community College.  Finding that most westerns lacked a strong female character, Elliot developed the character of Iragene Jones who through circumstances beyond her control becomes the female sheriff of Los Brazos County, New Mexico.  

    Elliot has published eight short stories in Frontier Tales, one short story in an anthology, and two novels: Death at Gran Quivera and Lost in Time. In her free time, she and her husband teach C/W dancing, hike, and visit their ranch in New Mexico. 

Books by Jesse J. Elliot on Amazon


Jesse J Elliot

The weather was warmer than usual for late fall in New Mexico. The sky was a rich blue with white, feathered clouds. While enjoying the view from the windows, Daniel turned to his wife, “Sure you remember Alonzo, Pru,” the soft spoken man said, “he was the one who passed out with cousin Bobby in your mother’s azaleas during our wedding,” Daniel looked to see if his wife remembered the man who accompanied Cousin Bobby everywhere. His sister, Iragene Jones, the sheriff of Los Brazos County just shook her head, “Who can forget those two?”  Read the full story HERE>>