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Western Short Stories
James P. Hanley

James Hanley

Jim Hanley's background includes roles as a Naval officer, Human Resources director and adjunct college professor. He has over 90 short stories published in different genres (literary, mystery, western and romance) which have appeared in both print and online magazines. In addition he has had three Western novels to date. One of which was a finalist for the peacemaker award. 

Western Short Stories by James P. Hanley

The One-day Deputy

James P. Hanley

It was well known in the Texas town of Los Caballos that if you wanted to harm your body call Lamont Robeson, shorty. Under five feet and muscular, Lamont suffered with, as his father explained, “his mother’s height and his father’s build.” Simple chores like pulling himself up on his horse, tossing a bale of hay a greater height increased his strength. In school, he was combative when teased about his stature and got in fights until the other boys learned his height was no reflection of his competence with his fists. In addition, he could out run his peers despite his shorter legs. In adulthood, his sensitivity hadn’t diminished and only strangers were fool enough to comment on his height. Read the full story HERE>>