Newest short story by Michael E. Mclean posted on Fictitious

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Newest Western Short Story by Darrel Sparkman posted on Fictitious

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Full Disclosure: I apologize in advance for putting this disclosure in your face. The new FTC regulations require it. Since 2006, the Rope and Wire website has been promoting western authors. This site also promotes the books written by these authors. The books are linked to the appropriate Amazon page. If you click on the link, As an Amazon Associate I'll earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.This does NOT add to the cost of your purchase. It DOES help to keep this site up and running.

Western Short Stories
Scott Gese
Ranch Romances

Western Short Stories Bio. of Scott Gese

Scott Gese aka Christopher Scott

Scott was forced to start writing seriously at age fifty. Up until that point, a grocery list was his biggest writing achievement. 

In 2006 he started this website to promote western authors and their work. It's currently enjoyed by over 160 countries worldwide.

It was his need to add content to the new site that forced him to start writing short stories.

Since those early days, Scott has written books, blog posts, magazine articles and hundreds of short stories. He even wrote a newspaper column for awhile. 

You can find many of Scott's short stories and western articles scattered throughout the pages of this site.

Scott also enjoys Photography. 

Ranch Romance Stories by Christopher Scott

Maggie's World
Christopher Scott

The house was small and unimposing. Livable, but in need of some long overdue repairs. It sat on a bone dry patch of worthless dirt in the middle of nowhere. The only spot of real color came from a rather dismal looking vegetable garden at the back of the house. The high desert altitude combined with the hot, dry summer air made it difficult for most living things to thrive, and that included Maggie, the lady of the house...

Read more western (and other) short stories by Scott Gese in the <<Western Short Story>> <<Ranch Romance>> and <<Beyond the Western>> sections